Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Print E-mail

TACC would like to wish all our supporters a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

In 2011 you have helped us support many fantastic causes and countless disadvantaged children. Together we have made donations to a baby and children's orphanage in Spain, an orphanage in Macedonia and children’s causes in the Republic of Ireland.

In Scotland we have continued to support the TACC FC initiative including Spartans in Edinburgh and Ruchazie in Glasgow, provided coats for disadvantaged children and made sure that Christmas Day is a little happier for hundreds of children across Scotland through our annual Christmas Present Appeal. We also continue to work closely with Aberlour Child Care Trust to support the good work they do every day.

TACC would like to acknowledge the support of the SFA, the many tartan army organisations across the world and the dedicated individuals who have all helped to make a real difference to the lives of children in Scotland and beyond. We could not provide the support to causes like those mentioned without your help.

We look forward to your continued support in 2012.
November's TACC Lottery Winner Print E-mail


November's winner is:

Hugh McEvoy who wins £685


Thanks to everyone who continues to support us by taking part

Click here for details on how to join.

Something new for 'The Kiltwalk' Print E-mail

Christmas Present Appeal - 2011 Print E-mail


We are pleased to launch this year's TACC Christmas present appeal - we're asking all Scotland fans to buy one extra present this year, for a disadvantaged child in their area.

Christmas Present Appeal - 2011 Print E-mail






Through TACC, Scotland’s supporters have donated hundreds of thousands of pound to children overseas – but at Christmas we ask everyone to dig deep and brighten up the lives of Scottish children!


This year were are trying to raise £10,000 to buy christmas presents for 580 disadvantaged children supported by:


-       Aberlour Child Care Trust, who have 40 services across Scotland

-       Time4us in Falkirk


To buy a gift please click here – you can choose which present you’d like to buy and which area of Scotland you’d like to support.


Proceeds from our Christmas Cards and our Hampden Christmas Party will also go towards our prsent appeal, please have a look.


In 2008 you help us donate £3500, this increased to £8500 in 2009 and in 2010 we were able to donate a massive £10,000. Once again we want to raise as much money as we can to make a little difference at home in Scotland.




Click on the map to have a look at the Santa lists for children near you


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