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Our main focus in 2007 was Tbilisi, Georgia, where Scotland played on Wednesday 17th October. Georgia is one of the poorest places Scotland have played in recent years so we're hoping to raise a decent amount for two good causes. The first has been recommended to us by the British Embassy in Tbilisi - a premature baby unit for orphaned infants admitted from the Tbilisi Infant House.
What we wanted to do We’re aimed to raise £15,000.
The bulk of that will be donated to the Infant School to buy a new incubator, medicines, other equipment and nappies. We’d also like to donate blankets and baby clothes.
For the slightly older children of the orphanages we’ll be throwing a party on Tuesday 16th October and donating clothes, blankets, toys, stationery etc
After months of liaising with the British Embassy in Tbilisi we had settled on two causes to donate to – Tbilisi Infant Hospital and First Step, a group of orphanages for handicapped children.
Tartan Tbilisi – October 2007
We journeyed with £15,000 to donate. Additionally in the weeks leading up to the trip many footsoldiers had donated a bag of clothes, toys, blankets etc which the passengers on the Passport Travel flight were happy to take over for them.
On the Monday I met the Embassy staff who’d been such a help finding the charities, liaising with them to find out what they needed most and organising the week’s events. David Ireland and Karen Moran who had been our main contacts, Jackie Swales who’d visited and described the hospital so well, and Steve Taylor who was organising the events.
Steve, Jackie and I went to the main Hypermarket to stock up on the party food for the handicapped kids at First Step: 20kg of BBQ meat, heaps of fresh fruit plus piles of cakes sweets and juices. We also bought a trolley full of nappies for the visit to the hospital.