Sean Mason - Addiewell, West Lothian
Nominated by Daniel Lambie, Sean’s Step-father
In 2009 we set out to find a young person who would inspire us, and in turn inspire Scotland’s supporters. Our choice was Sean Mason from Addiewell, who suffers from cerebral palsy.
Sean’s prize was to be the mascot at Hampden against Czech Republic, and to receive a wee trophy from Craig Levein.

Here is Sean’s story….
“Sean is an inspiration to all around him. Despite having severe mental and physical health challenges, Sean is a loving, happy and positive young man.
Sean has a rare form of cerebral palsy, which causes severe mobility and learning difficulties. Now aged 13, he has the capacity of a 1 year old.
His family, school and neighbours are all inspired by the way Sean copes with his challenges and keeps smiling. Sean especially loves music and sport. His first word, and I'm not making this up, was 'Scotland', which he shouted during the Scotland vs. Faroe Isles game a couple of years ago!”
“Sean's digestive system doesn't work well, which means that one or two nights a week he is up all night being sick. Despite this he remains happy and contented, which his mother and I take inspiration from. It certainly puts our troubles into perspective and teaches us a few things about the benefits of a positive attitude.
Recently I took Sean to an Airdrie match. As usual we were playing rubbish and getting beaten. A few men around us started shouting and screaming at the players. Sean took out some playing cards and passed these on to the men. It certainly inspired them to calm down!
At the Festival last year, Sean and his mum were going down the Royal Mile. A group of despondent looking performers were sat slumped on the pavement. Sean gestured loudly as one of them had a guitar. He demanded that he and his mother sat there until the performers started playing. At the end they gave him and his mum free tickets to the show.”
School life
Sean goes to a special needs school in Livingston named Beattlie's. It has a curriculum designed to help each child achieved their potential. Sean is doing very well there, and is learning to use cards to indicate what he wants. He also has special therapy classes which help him with his mobility and feeding himself.
Sport and music
“Anytime Sean comes across any sport or music he demands that we stay and watch it. He is fascinated by colours and round things, so is particularly fond of football.
He is obsessed by all music, but particularly guitars and drums. He has toy kits in his room and frequently wakes us up with a 6am concert.
Though he has a limited attention span, the two things Sean will watch most on television are music videos and football. Keeps him popular with his mum!”
Sean is very alert, but has no real language skills. He finds ways to let us know what he wants through basic sign language. He can walk but only short distances. He is capable of following simple instructions (if he wants to) and is a very sociable and trusting boy.