October's TACC Lottery Winner Print E-mail


October's winner is:

Mandy Monaghan 

 who wins £355



Thanks to everyone who continues to support us by taking part

Click here for details on how to join.

Campbell Craft Print E-mail



Peter Campbell from Campbell Craft recently got in touch with us with a very generous offer.
Peter has just launched a new range of jewellery that includes pieces with a Tartan Army theme and has offered £1 profit to TACC from each Tartan Army piece sold.


Peter hand carves all of these pieces himself and then has them cast in solid stainless steel so they are unique to him. He has recently launched his "Gallant forty twa" collection of which the Tartan Army pieces are a part.

Not only that, if you buy any of the other non-Tartan Army themed pieces in the collection and write TACC in your order then £1 will also come to TACC from those pieces so it's win-win for us.


So why not pop over to the Campbell Craft Facebook page (link below) and have a browse, if something catches your eye then just send Peter a message. They don't cost the earth (all pieces are 9.99 + p&p) and are all unique to Peter's design.


These would make great Christmas, birthday presents or just a keepsake and you'd be helping Scotlands disadvantaged children at the same time.



"These works are a part of the "Gallant forty twa" collection, 42 pieces of jewellery with the good of Scotland in mind These ones on here are for the Tartan Army supporters. For each piece sold £1 will be given to "TACC". The Tartan Army Children's Charity".

Thanks Peter for this great offer. Campbell Craft.


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Thanks Kiltwalkers Print E-mail

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The Tartan Army Children’s Charity would like to express our gratitude and thanks to all you lovely Kiltwalkers. We here at TACC think you are all fantastic, wonderful and brilliant.


It doesn’t matter if you took part in the Wee Walk’s, Half Kilts or the full fat 26 mile Kiltwalks. What you have done and achieved in 2013 is amazing. Between you all you’ve walked hundreds of miles from Glasgow through Edinburgh up to Speyside down to Aberdeen and then finishing off at Angus all the while wearing a kilt and a smile.


You’ve trained, been excited (maybe even a little apprehensive if you were a first timer, or even if you weren't!), laughed, got blisters, had sore legs, thought “how far to go now”, laughed again, met new friends and finally cried with joy and relief when it was all over.


Most of all though you felt proud. Proud that you had “done it”, proud when you crossed that finish line and everybody clapped and cheered, proud when you got that little Kiltwalk badge that you’ll treasure for the rest of your life, but most of all, proud forever that you suffered a wee bit of  temporary pain to raise money and help the children in Scotland that need it most (and we'll bet most of you can't wait to sign up for 2014).


Kiltwalkers, we at TACC salute you. Ordinary people doing extraordinary things to help children, we love it. Well done to everybody who has ever taken up the Kiltwalk challenge, both in 2013 and in the past. It’s been our privilege to share in your achievements and give you some support along the way.


Be proud of your achievement and thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.




(PS We’ve a big announcement coming up soon, we're going to give you some information as to how you can continue to support The Tartan Army Children’s Charity in 2014. We can’t say much just now, strictly hush hush and all that, except “GO TEAM TACC!!!”)



September's TACC Lottery Winner Print E-mail


September's winner is:

Allison Jenkinson

 who wins £360



Thanks to everyone who continues to support us by taking part

Click here for details on how to join.

We'll Always Have Paris - The Fans Stories Print E-mail


“On the 12th September 2007, the Tartan Army descended on Paris to watch Scotland achieve one of the best results in their history. This book contains the memories of those who were there as well as those who watched from across the world.


Tales from Glasgow, Newcastle, Madeira and Mexico...

From an adopted French Scotland fan, the now legendary voice of the goal and from the proud father of one of the heroes from that night...

Of flights, ferries, trains and camper vans...

With cancelled hotel rooms, lost tickets, a human pyramid and frozen vegetables keeping carry outs cool...

A poem, a song, two marriage proposals and the seeds of a divorce being sown...

And so many people who missed the goal it is unreal!”


David Dickson has pulled together a book of fans stories from our win in Paris in 2007.Why not buy a copy to support TACC and step back to that great day in Paris.

Buy now from the TACC Shop Only £7.50
Price includes postage


This item is due to be available for shipping in the next couple of weeks (Mid September)







Product: Paperback Book
Number of pages: 154
Size: A5
Colour/BW: Bw
Colour Inserts: 12

Chris & Phil - 400 mile cycle Print E-mail

Let us introduce you to Chris & Phil. These 2 guys are on the road right now in a wild gale & rain to raise money for TACC & MacMillan cancer care in memory of Chris's Dad. They are cycling 400 miles from the Mull of Galloway to John O'Groats. The boys will be keeping us up to date with those progress this week.




You can support them here: http://m.virginmoneygiving.com/mt/uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-web/fundraiser/showFundraiserProfilePage.action?userUrl=ChrisAndPhilMoGJoG&isTeam=true&un_jtt_redirect

August's TACC Lottery Winner Print E-mail


August's winner is:

Gillian Hughes 

 who wins £360



Thanks to everyone who continues to support us by taking part

Click here for details on how to join.

TACC Supporters Feedback Survey Print E-mail

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TACC are currently reviewing the work that we do and developing a long term strategy. The views of our supporters are very important in helping us to shape our future direction and we would appreciate you taking the time to complete this questionnaire. All the information we collect is anonymous and will not be passed on to any third parties. If you would like to know more about TACC and the work we do or would like to get involved in our work, donate or have a fundraising idea, please This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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 We need as many people as possible to complete the survey so that we can get a good representation of the views and opinions of our supporters. It's short and only takes a few minutes so please give up some of your precious time to fill it in and give us your honest opinion.




Links to the poll will also be appearing on our Facebook page, Twitter and through our mailing list. As always, thank you all. Without your support TACC would not be able to function or carry out the work that we do in helping disadvantaged children at home and away.






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The main link to the TACC Supporters Feedback Survey can be found above or here.

July's TACC Lottery Winner Print E-mail


July's winner is:

Graeme Robertson 

 who wins £380



Thanks to everyone who continues to support us by taking part

Click here for details on how to join.

June's TACC Lottery Winner Print E-mail


June's winner is:

Chrisann Regan


 who wins £355



Thanks to everyone who continues to support us by taking part

Click here for details on how to join.

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