TACC donates £15,000 to Scottish charities in May Print E-mail

The TACC Kiltwalk has provided a step change in the way that TACC supports Scottish charities.


Already in 2010 we have been able to make over £15,000 in Kiltwalk grants to: 


  • Hopscotch
  • Childline
  • Juvenile Diabetes Shetland
  • Dyslexia Action
  • Rosslyn Special School
  • Link Community Development

    For more details see the Helping in Scotland section

    The TACC Football Club Print E-mail

    TACC are proud to announce the launch in April of the TACC Football Club.


    Each Friday evening at Spartans Community Football Academy in North Edinburgh, local children are invited to play football, enjoy a hot, nutritous meal, and spend time with their friends playing pool, WII etc. The children live in one of Scotland most deprived areas and are referred to us by local agencies that work with disadvantaged children.

    The concept was developed by Spartans and TACC. Spartans manage the programme and provide the facilities and staff, while TACC have provided a grant to fund the programme throughout 2010.

    It's a project that we hope to introduce to other deprived areas of Scotland later in 2010.


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    Ben Nevis KiltWalk 2010 Print E-mail

    How does the song go? "I will walk 500 miles & I will walk 500 more...." For all of us that took part in the West Highland Way & Ben Nevis walk on Saturday 17th April, it felt like we'd done just that.


    Not content with walking from Hampden to Loch Lomond, a few of the dafter elements of the Tartan Army & friends who wanted to do something in the wilds of Scotland for charity, decided to walk from Glen Coe over the Devil's Staircase & down & up & down & up & ...well you get the picture, all the way to Ben Nevis, then up & down that too. 29 miles in all.

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    Ukraine Revisited Print E-mail
    We are often told that our most important gift isn’t the money we donate, but the time we spend with children.
    In Eastern Europe especially, children with disabilities get little official support and are often given up by their families who can’t afford to look after them.

    When TACC and other Scotland fans take the time to visit these children, organising parties with bagpipes, playing with them and generally making them feel special, it can mean the world.

    So we thought it would be good to go back to the school for blind and partially-sighted children in Kiev that we’d visited in 2006 – to see how the children are doing now and how we could help them again.

    Trustees Ally Hunter and Alex Demianczuk travelled to Kiev* with a £5,000 grant, and another £5,000 that we’d arranged through another Trust.

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    South Africa Donations Print E-mail

    The Tartan Army Children’s Charity have donated £30,000 each to two deserving causes:


    • Umthombo Street Children, Durban


    • Let us Grow, Orange farm, near Johannesburg

    Click here to read more
    TACC's South Africa Visit Print E-mail

    Friday 11th June - Let us Grow, near Jo'Burg


    letusgrow_3_250x167Well so far South Africa has been an amazing experience, from the excitement of the World Cup Finals to the inspirational children's projects we've been lucky enough to spend time with.

    We were picked up from our guesthouse in Jo'burg at 9am by Sixolili and Joseph, staff at Oxfam and Let us Grow, for the 1 hour drive to Orange Farm. On the way we stopped at a sports shop to buy a sack of footballs - TACC's 30k grant had been transferred a few weeks earlier but we didn't want to turn up empty handed.

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    June's TACC Lottery Winner Print E-mail


    June's winners are:

    1st prize - £722.50
    Roddy Daddow, Glasgow

    2nd prize - trip to Prague to watch Scotland
    Stuart Gray

    Thanks to everyone who continues to support us by taking part

    July's prizes include 2 pairs of tickets to the TACC Charity Ball at the Balmoral Hotel, Edinburgh, on Friday 20th August, worth £75 per person.



    Click here for details on how to join.

    Craig Levein - TACC’s Patron Print E-mail

    craig_levein_173x240The Tartan Army Children’s Charity is proud to announce that the Scotland national team coach, Craig Levein, has agreed to become Patron of the charity.

    Craig, pictured presenting the TACC Inspiration Award to Sean before leading the team to victory over the Czech Republic, was the unanimous and, indeed, only choice and we are delighted that he has accepted our invitation.

    "The Tartan Army Children's Charity are terrific ambassadors for Scotland across the world. The work that they have done in Ukraine, Georgia, Macedonia and now South Africa has made a positive and tangible impact to the lives of disadvantaged children.

    “It is also important to recognise the work they do for children in Scotland. The squad and the coaching staff are behind them every step of the way, and we encourage all Scotland fans to support them in their efforts."

    The inaugural TACC Kiltwalk Print E-mail

    The inaugural TACC Kiltwalk has raised over £100,000 and rising.


    Click here to find out more.....

    May's TACC Lottery Winner Print E-mail


    May's winner is

    Diane Hay who wins £700

    Click here for details on how to join.

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