3 Peaks Challenge 28th – 29th June 2014 Print E-mail

3 Peaks Challenge 28th  29th June 2014 small

Gareth, Ross and Rory Holmes and Andrew Hossack are taking on the 3 Peaks Challenge this June. The challenge consists of climbing Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon, the highest peaks in Scotland, England and Wales respectively within a 24 hour period, including travel between the climbs.


The team are taking on the challenge to raise funds for the Tartan Army Childrens Charity (TACC). The boys are no strangers to a bit of fundraising hard work as last summer they cycled from Hampden to Wembley to raise money for TACC.


To support the team you can donate online at www.justgiving.com/TeamTACC or by texting HEMI93 plus amount to 70070.

April's TACC Lottery Winner Print E-mail


April's winner is:

Stewart Myles

 who wins £342.50



Thanks to everyone who continues to support us by taking part

Click here for details on how to join.

March's TACC Lottery Winner Print E-mail


March's winner is:

Thomas Brown

 who wins £352.50



Thanks to everyone who continues to support us by taking part

Click here for details on how to join.

Goodbye and Hello Part 2…. Print E-mail

So, to fill the gaping void on the trustee board left by Ally we decided to appoint a new trustee. This gentleman will be already familiar to many of you through his outstanding support of TACC over the years and through his role as an ambassador for the charity.


He has organized and attended away donations for TACC over the years and also carried out some sterling work with his involvement in the Kiltwalk and especially in the conception and organisation of the inaugural Speyside Kiltwalk.


Say hello and welcome to our newest trustee Mr. Jim Hart, we’re over the moon that Jim accepted the trustee role and are glad to welcome him onto the board. Here’s a short bio from Jim in his own words;


"Born and bred on Clydeside, played as a lad in the ruins of the Clydebank blitz. Graduated as a Geologist from Glasgow and spent 3 years on the Zambian Copperbelt. Returned to UK, worked in London with Texaco, with initial focus in the North Sea. Exploration Manager, with responsibilities across Europe, then moved into Business Planning in Aberdeen.


Lifelong Scotland supporter, attending many TACC overseas donations.


Retired and living in Speyside - organised the first Speyside Kiltwalk - member of the Bus Pass Tartan Army.


Married to the lovely June for 43 years, son living in Canada and daughter in Bucks, 3 young grandchildren.


Currently director of tsiMORAY and engaged in a variety of Speyside-based charity projects."



Goodbye and Hello Part 1…. Print E-mail

We’ve had a few changes here at the Tartan Army Children's Charity and we thought it was time to let you all know what has been happening with us recently.


First off, Ally Hunter has stepped down as Chairman of TACC and has also resigned from the board of trustees. Ally decided it was time to step down and move on to other charitable work after 6 years on the TACC board. Ally will continue to be a supporter of TACC as he has been since the beginning, in other words (and as he promised us himself) we haven’t quite seen the last of him yet.


Seriously though, we wish Ally all the best for the future wherever it may take him. We’re sad to see him go and thank him from the bottom of our hearts for his hard work, support and guidance over the years. Know that you made a difference big guy.


In the interim, John Deans has taken over the role of Chairman and David Donn the role of secretary.


Some would say that change is inevitable and nothing stays the same forever. We say, what definitely won't change is our commitment to bringing a smile to a child's face and helping disadvantaged children at home in Scotland and away in the countries where Scotland plays.



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